Lali – A Short Story
Lali was about 6 months old and Bula’s father was telling him it’s time to let go Lali. Bula’s family had a cow and it gave birth to a calf and like any young one she was adorable. He thought that evolution does this is on purpose as the young one needs lots of support while growing up and by default one is adorable. Lali was full of energy and if one sets her free she will be jumping around, sometimes tasting the grass, sometime trying to find mother’s milk.
Bula grew fond of Lali quite a lot. But they did not had a place to keep Lali as she had grown a lot and keeping two cows was not an option. Bula’s father kept bringing this point of giving Lali to someone else. Bula never liked that discussion but in the back of his mind he knew that this will happen one or other day. Bula’s family were managing the cow themselves with a little support from someone else who used to milk the cow.
Finally Bula’s father found someone who had a large farm and he agreed to take Lali there and let her live a country life. And very soon a person came over and took Lali with him. Bula couldn’t control. He cried while bathing so that no one notices his tears but somehow his grunts were so loud that mother noticed it. He feared that Lali could be slaughtered as most of the population around was beef eating and cow’s milk was of no use for most of the folks. His father had tried to quell his fear but Bula was not convinced. Bula’s mother realized that he needs to visit Lali once and requested Bula’s father to do so.
So Bula’s father took his Chetak scooter and went to check on where and how Lali was with Bula on the pillion. It was 20 min trip to the farm tucked away in forest. They were able to reach the to the farm which was a terraced cultivation on a hill. And they started to look for Lali and there were lot of other livestock. And there she was enjoying the freedom of the farm. Its been just couple of days but Lali has adjusted and she seems to be having a good time with so many friends around.
Bula thought that Lali was was at a good place and she will enjoy her independent life. She may miss her mother but then one has to go out and live the world. Bula was happy with the arrangement and came back home feeling satisfied.
This one dedicated to my Uncle whom we lost to Covid last month. Also to everybody else who has lost their lives to Covid or otherwise, recently in these tough times.
John Prine (world lost him to Covid as well) has a song that he had in his final Album Tree of Forgiveness ” When I get to Heaven” . Give it a listen and I hope something like that to be true.