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Tag: Bangalore

Passport Reissue -> Here is firsthand experience

Passport Reissue -> Here is firsthand experience

I still remember the struggle of getting my first passport. I had applied seeing few of my friends in the final year of college and time it took I had already passed out and was not there to collect it. Eventually my dad tried with some of his friends as one had to go to Guwahati in order to collect. Somehow that didn’t work out and Guwahati Passport office suggested that the passport can be sent over to Bangalore, where…

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Ringing Bell’s Freedom251: Reality or Fallacy

Ringing Bell’s Freedom251: Reality or Fallacy

Sometime back checking news online, I came across this eye catching news item where it talked about a smartphone for in INR 251 (under $4) and it got me excited as Aakash tablet did some years back. I had ordered Aakash (didn’t get one though) then and I was looking to order to Freedom251 as well. I believe that any “for profit” private entity would never sell its products without making profits. Lets assume that Ringing Bell Pvt Ltd  …

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The Other India: Story of Post Office Visit

The Other India: Story of Post Office Visit

In the year of 2010 I followed footsteps of one of colleague and took a National Savings Certificate popularly known as NSC and it is one the tax saving instruments and as far as I know it is sold by the Post Offices all over India. According the official website of Postal Department and here is copy of that ” India has the largest Postal Network in the world with over 1, 54,882 Post Offices (as on 31.03.2014) of which…

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What can you learn from Bangalore Traffic?

What can you learn from Bangalore Traffic?

Typical weekday traffic during the peak hours 8-11 in morning and 5-8 in the evening in Bangalore is normally bumper to bumper and if you are driving a four wheeler you may not need to change gears and stick to the first one itself. I take outer ring road which has become congested even after so many flyovers constructed in last four-five years but probably due to burgeoning IT companies on this road as well a many apartment complexes the…

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The Rime of the Modern Biker

The Rime of the Modern Biker

The Rime of the Modern Biker (Biker here is the cyclist not any fancy Harley or the Bullet which is made like a gun). I know that The Rime of The Ancient Mariner is the longest lyrical ballad written by English poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge which is actually a masterpiece. I am no poet to even try my hands at that so I stick to normal prose and ask people to please be tolerant 🙂 Let me be very frank…

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Lost Wallet.. Take it Easy.. Here is all you need to know to get a Duplicate DL in Bangalore

Lost Wallet.. Take it Easy.. Here is all you need to know to get a Duplicate DL in Bangalore

It was a beautiful Saturday morning and I just came back from cycling.On reaching home little tired I was asked to get some milk and quite reluctantly I left for the Nandini shop just round the corner. As the luck would have it my purse slipped out of the pocket and unfortunately I never realized. So that is how I lost everything in my purse from DL, Credit & Debit Cards,PAN and some cash. That day milk costed me more…

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