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The Meeting

Father Daughter waiting for the bus

8:00 AM

Anand realizes that he has a meeting in another half an hour. Today he also needs to drop his daughter Anu to the school bus.

“Anu, Anu!! Wake up its time for the school.” Anand hurriedly calls out. Anu reluctantly gets out of the bed and starts with “I don’t want to go school” as usual. Anand picks her up and goes through the morning chores quickly enough and gets Anu dressed up. A quick breakfast for her and puts couple of idlis and fruits for the lunch box.

8:20 AM

Anand packs the lunch and puts it in the bag. Anu understands that her nagging is useless and is ready for the school. They quickly get into the lift and start walking towards the bus. Anand connects his phone to his Bluetooth headphone.

8:30 AM

Anand joins the meeting and puts himself on mute. Everyone joins in couple of minutes. The meeting discussion starts and someone asks “Anand, how are you doing with the presentation that we need to give tomorrow”

Anand quickly unmutes himself and starts to respond but somehow nobody is able to hear him. While this is going on a bus stops. He quickly picks Anu and her bag, puts her on the pedestal of the bus. He sees a face grinning at him and Anu start to walk towards the seat on the bus.

8:35 AM

Anand again tries to unmute to speak and this time they can hear him but still his voice is breaking. He sees the his mobile phone network has just two sticks meaning poor connection.

Anand looks back and realizes something amiss, the bus that he left Anu on was not the school bus but something else.

6:35 AM

The alarm is ringing and Anand has sweat a lot. He turns his side quickly to check for Anu. He is relieved to realize that its just a dream and Anu is still fast asleep.

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